Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Welcome to my Blog

    This is the first time I have ever had to keep a blog before. I had a hard time deciding what to make my blog about but  some thought I saw that the answer was right there. Since November of 2007 I have been working at a McDonald's restaurant in Townsend, Massachusetts right across the street from my High school.
     Being there for so long I have seen A LOT of people come and go as well as making  a few good friends. And while a job in a fast food restaurant is nobody's dream it has it's benefits; free meals during shifts, decent pay and flexible hours. And I can personally say that i have fun going to work, well as much fun as a guy who flips burgers and takes orders in drive through can.
    And having been there for so long I like to think i have seen it all, the pissed off coffee junkies that bitch about not having the exact amount of cream in their cup, the car full of Stoners who order nearly fifteen dollars worth of food from the dollar menu and then pay for it with fucking change, not to mention the mean old ladies that scream into the ordering mic or the mom with seven kids in her back seat who waits to get to the speaker to ask her kids what kind of happy meal they want; and god forbid we don't have the specific Smurf or Power Ranger toy that her little girl just HAS TO HAVE. Honestly I could go on and on like this for hours it seems; but that is kinda the point of a blog. I'll be putting up posts frequently as there is always something going on at McDicks. So welcome to my blog and I hope you keep reading. Thanks Again...